
Mechanic washers have a revolver and are the most hygienic washers in the market. Saves labor work, time and easy to clean. It's the best value you can get from us.


Manual Washers

Washer 661 LBS

Height: 39.37”

Length: 39.37”

Width: 37.1”


Washer 1102 LBS

Height: 39.37”

Length: 39.37”

Width: 37.1”

Washer 220 LBS 

Height: 39.37”

Length: 39.37”

Width: 28.74”


Washer 440 LBS

Height: 39.37”

Length: 39.37”

Width: 36.61”


Washer 100

Height: 67”

Length: 55”

Width: 33.5”

Weight: 397 lbs.


Washer 200

Height: 67”

Length: 55”

Width: 39.37”

Weight: 456 lbs.


Washer 300

Height: 67”

Length: 69”

Width: 45.28”

Weight: 551.2 lbs.

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Washer 500

Height: 84.65”

Length: 90.55”

Width: 59”

Weight: 772 lbs.